lunes, 30 de enero de 2012

Finding the authentic coffe bean.

" ...The coffe culture remains vibrant in Bs.As., if not arround the country...
Due to the prominent Italian heritage, it is of little surprise that Argentina's coffe culture is so strong...
In the region, and I can tell you from Alaska to Patagonia,there isn't any other place in the Americas where there is such an authentic expresso culture.
This is the only place where you can find an authentic bar offering pastries, maybe the coffe is served with more milk than we used to in Italy, and also an authentic capuccino. It doesn't however,mean that the coffe will be good..."
said Silvio Zaccareo managing director of Lavazza Argentina..."

By: Sorrel Moseley-Willams",Café culture" Bs.As. Herald , on sunday january 29,2012.-

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1- En el bosque. En el bosque uno junto al otro, los árboles se cobijan. Parecería  solo una imagen, pero es cierto porque entre ellos se pr...