viernes, 21 de octubre de 2011


And now that I'm going,
Now that the fall will be my spring,
Now I know that will forever be
this river in my memory
and red of autumn in my eyes.
Well, now that I go, knowing
tomorrow I'll walk in another river,
may be looking for the "measure"
that water from the rivers do not have,
because are "strong and always pass."
But in my heart are memories,
the river,the road, the bridge
and the colours red and yellow of the autumn,
painted between the trees.
I had already loved,
loved long before many landscapes,
blue skies and other loves trees ...
But here today, I love:
this river, this bridge,this road
and these red and yellow trees
painted in the fall ...


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1- En el bosque. En el bosque uno junto al otro, los árboles se cobijan. Parecería  solo una imagen, pero es cierto porque entre ellos se pr...