"Y si Dios es Amor: Será entonces, como fuera mi padre Lope, quien siempre me pidió que hiciera lo correcto y me dejó pensando cuando erraba..." “Impara a piacere a te stesso. Quello che tu pensi di te stesso è molto più importante di quello che gli altri pensano di te”. [Seneca]
lunes, 30 de enero de 2012
Tell me about the sea and its waves,
as they arrive tired at the edge
After traveling the world and its banks,
Is it true that they are always so austere?.
Treacherous currents Tell me
that slowly and forcefully change directions.
Tell how you met the new world,
drifting on eddies
they screwed up therefore its destination
up to walk, drifting ...
Tell me how it is beautiful to see the sky
playing away to the horizon,
it seems necessary to fly, to touch it.
Tell me, you who have walked many paths,
Is it true that in all there
laughter, dreams, doubts and lamentations?.
Tell me love is always to support
finally live happy life? ...
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Fin de año.
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