"Y si Dios es Amor: Será entonces, como fuera mi padre Lope, quien siempre me pidió que hiciera lo correcto y me dejó pensando cuando erraba..." “Impara a piacere a te stesso. Quello che tu pensi di te stesso è molto più importante di quello che gli altri pensano di te”. [Seneca]
sábado, 23 de febrero de 2013
Sin proponermelo:
En un instante,
surge la poesía,
sin que lo intente,
aparece inmediata,
y es tan volatil
que preciso anotarla...
Para de esta manera,
que no siga volando,
que no se escape,
que no desaparezca....
Bs.As.23-02-13 Alu C.G.Maveroff P.Peyrán.-
viernes, 22 de febrero de 2013
Porque el futuro llega muy pronto...
Disfruta, aprovecha, decide...
La vida pasa, siempre camina,
es como un rio que nunca se detiene...
Y entonces, cuando intentas atrapar al agua,
esta se escapa de tus manos.
Por eso, porque la vida es ahora,
porque siempre continúa,es importante
disfrutarla, gozarla a cada instante,
Porque el futuro llega muy pronto...
La vida está pasando ahora y es hermosa.
Es tuya y nunca se detiene.
Entonces, hay que aprovecharla
hoy es el momento. Ahora es tu tiempo...
Bs.As. 22-02-13 Alu C.G.Maveroff P.Peyrán.-
La vida pasa, siempre camina,
es como un rio que nunca se detiene...
Y entonces, cuando intentas atrapar al agua,
esta se escapa de tus manos.
Por eso, porque la vida es ahora,
porque siempre continúa,es importante
disfrutarla, gozarla a cada instante,
Porque el futuro llega muy pronto...
La vida está pasando ahora y es hermosa.
Es tuya y nunca se detiene.
Entonces, hay que aprovecharla
hoy es el momento. Ahora es tu tiempo...
Bs.As. 22-02-13 Alu C.G.Maveroff P.Peyrán.-
jueves, 21 de febrero de 2013
One day you finally knew/ what you had to do, and began,/ though the voices around you/ kept shouting/ their bad advice/ though the whole house/ began to tremble/ and you felt the old tug/ at your ankles./ “Mend my life!”/ each voice cried./ But you didn’t stop./ You knew what you had to do,/ though the wind pried/ with its stiff fingers/ at the very foundations,/ though their melancholy/ was terrible. / It was already late / enough, and a wild night,/ and the road full of fallen/ branches and stones./ But little by little,/ as you left their voices behind,/ the stars began to burn/ through the sheets of clouds,/ and there was a new voice/ which you slowly/ recognized as your own,/ that kept you company/ as you strode deeper and deeper/ into the world,/ determined to do/ the only thing you could do/ determined to save/ the only life you could save.
Mary Oliver.-
One day you finally knew/ what you had to do, and began,/ though the voices around you/ kept shouting/ their bad advice/ though the whole house/ began to tremble/ and you felt the old tug/ at your ankles./ “Mend my life!”/ each voice cried./ But you didn’t stop./ You knew what you had to do,/ though the wind pried/ with its stiff fingers/ at the very foundations,/ though their melancholy/ was terrible. / It was already late / enough, and a wild night,/ and the road full of fallen/ branches and stones./ But little by little,/ as you left their voices behind,/ the stars began to burn/ through the sheets of clouds,/ and there was a new voice/ which you slowly/ recognized as your own,/ that kept you company/ as you strode deeper and deeper/ into the world,/ determined to do/ the only thing you could do/ determined to save/ the only life you could save.
Mary Oliver.-
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El tiempo pasa.
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