viernes, 22 de julio de 2011

Women´s Soccer grows worldwide.-

During last year a record 512 women´s international matches were played with more than half of these being qualifiers for this year´s World This is a 14% of the record 448 matches during the previous World Cup in 2007.Another new record is the number of counties now playing women´s soccer as 141 national teams played matches as 141 teams played matches in 2010, the previous high having been 134 in 2006...
The growth is further shown by FIFA´s statictis.In the first Women´s World Cup in 1991, 45 countries participated, playing 110 matches.The numbers steadily increasedand in this year´s 6th World Cup, 122 countries participated, playing 355 matches.Returning to total matches played, in 1990, 33 counties played 99 women´s international matches, but last year - 21 years later - 141 countries played 512 internationals...

Buenos Aires Herald, Friday, July 22, Eric Well Hambur,Germany-

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