jueves, 14 de abril de 2011

Traducción.- "And it is for shame..."

jueves, 14 de abril de 2011

Traducción.- "And it is for shame..."

And it is for shame, for false modesty,
I do not dare to upset you.
And that is for education that I control myself.
And I´m talking just like that.
It´s further stress such a discretion,
that from my childhood,
I was taught, that drives me crazy
now I consult you about what happened.
What happened?, I would say in a second,
eager to know what happened...
Looking for the truth, would be indiscrete,
because inside, this are my thoughts.
But I order and combine it soon,
and I´m chatting with you undetened,
staring in the face.

Bs.As.1988, Alu C.G.M.P.Peyrán.-

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